Sunday, October 23, 2011

Welcome to my gaming blog!!

After much consternation and delaying things as long as I could, I have decided to start writing my gaming blog.  Most of my posts will be Warmachine/Hordes related and will be painting, battle reports, and thoughts I have on models and lists.  I will post as often as I can.

A little about myself: I have been playing table top games seriously (if you can call it that) for about 6 years.  Before that I played a mix of online games, card games, and board games.  I was first introduced to table top gaming by Ograloch and Guillius ( Although I sustained a heavy number of loses as I started playing Warhammer, I still enjoyed the game.  My main Warhammer Fantasy army has been Dark Elves although I have played Daemons as well.  My main Warhammer 40k has been Tau with some Daemons sprinkled in as well.  Based on changes to my gaming group, we have now shifted to Warmachine and Hordes.

I am currently playing one army in each of the games.  My Warmachine army is Retribution of Scyrah.  My Hordes army is Circle.  Although mo model collection is still somewhat minimal, I am hoping to stock up and have enough painted to field full 35pt lists with both armies by January.

I will be posting in this blog about the models I have previously painted, new ones I am painting, and battle reports as I have time.  I hope you enjoy the content and I look forward to hearing from everyone.


1 comment:

  1. Hey man! Thanks for the mention and link! I am indeed looking forward to your posts brother!
